Indien søger fælles kryptoramme for alle lande for at håndtere 'mange kollaps og stød i kryptovalutaer'

India’s finance minister, Nirmala Sitharaman, said during her official visit to the U.S. that crypto regulation is a very important part of the discussion by the G20 countries givenso many collapses and shocks in cryptocurrencies.She stressed: “We seek to

Amerikansk lovgiver indfører lovforslag for at bekræfte, at blockchain-udviklere og ikke-forvaringstjenester ikke er pengetransmittere

A U.S. lawmaker has introduced the Blockchain Regulatory Certainty Act to ensure that developers and non-custodial service providers in the crypto space are not considered money transmitters and are not subject to the same level of regulation as custodial cryptocurrency exchanges….

Digital Real Pilot til at køre på Ethereum-kompatibel, Tilladt Blockchain

According to the Central Bank of Brazil, the digital real pilot project will use an Ethereum-compatible, permissioned blockchain for the issuance of the tokenized version of the country’s currency. Hyperledger Besu, the open-source platform elected for the tests, will allow the

G20-finanschefer anerkender bredt, at krypto udgør store finansielle stabilitetsrisici, Siger den indiske centralbankchef

The G20 finance ministers and central bank governors recognize that cryptocurrencies pose major risks to financial stability, monetary systems, and cyber security, India’s central bank governor reportedly said. Crypto regulation was among the key topics discussed during the G20 meeting over

Kryptopolitik: Kenyanske senat klar til at engagere centralbanken

The Kenyan Senate’s Information, Communication and Technology committee has said it is ready to engage the Central Bank of Kenya (CBK) and other stakeholders in shaping the country’s policy towards crypto assets and virtual asset service providers. According to the committee,…

Oman Capital Markets Regulator planlægger at etablere et regulatorisk rammeværk for virtuelle aktiver

The Oman Capital Market Authority (CMA) has said it plans to establish a regulatory regime to govern as well as develop the country’s virtual assets market. The regulator said the envisaged regulatory regime enables it to avail analternative financing and

Den australske regering siger, at den arbejder på at sikre, at 'regulering af kryptoaktiver beskytter forbrugere'

The Australian government has said it will take steps to ensure theregulation of crypto assets protects consumersand one of these steps will be the reforming ofthe licensing and custody of crypto assets.The Anthony Norman Albanese-led government also

Den indiske regering introducerer nye kryptoskattestraffe

The Indian government has introduced new crypto tax penalties, including for non-payment of crypto tax deducted at source (TDS). Much to the disappointment of the crypto community, Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman did not mention crypto in her Budget speech this year….

Japan opfordrer tilsynsmyndigheder over hele verden til at underkaste kryptoudvekslinger tilsyn på bankniveau

Japan has reportedly urged other countries, including the U.S., to regulate crypto exchanges like they do banks. A top official at the Financial Services Agency explained that the recent FTX implosion wasn’t brought on by crypto technology but byloose governance,…

Iran returnerer beslaglagt krypto-minedriftsudstyr til minearbejdere

A government body responsible for state property in Iran has released some of the hardware seized from illegal crypto mining farms. Its top executive explained the agency was obliged to do that by courts in the Islamic Republic, where unlicensed miners